Ageless Journey: 5 Tips to Aging with Grace
Desire to lead a vibrant and energetic life in your golden years? Don’t let age become a hindrance to your fun! The sight of the stereotypical senior citizen, hunched over with a walker and struggling down the street, might be all too familiar. It looks uncomfortable and painful! None of us want to envision ourselves […]
TMI or TMJ problems? How to identify & Relive Jaw Pain
HAVE YOU EVER TRIED TO EAT WITHOUT MOVING YOUR JAW? If you have ever experienced jaw pain, you know this feat is difficult to impossible! Jaw pain is frustrating to say the least. Popping pain pills seems to bring the only relief….But what if you could fix the pain by addressing the underlying problem? WHAT IS […]
“Losing your Mind?!” – 7 Steps to Stop Alzheimer’s & Dementia
“WHERE DID I PUT MY KEYS? I JUST PUT THEM DOWN!?” SOUND FAMILIAR? The ability to think and remember is one of the most precious gifts we have, yet recently memory seems to be vanishing right under our nose from more friends and family each year! Any of us who have loved ones diagnosed with […]